от 400 p.
Оптимистка! Верю в силу разума и добра! Нахожу ключик к каждому. Обожаю своё призвание - отдавать знания тем, кому они нужны.
Последний отзыв
Мне очень понравилось изучать английский под руководством Юлии. Она очень доступно объясняет и уроки проходят очень интересно. На уроках есть все , что нужно для изучения английского языка. И чтение, и аудирование, и общение, тесты и различные упражнения. ...  
Всего эксперт дал 3 ответов, Рейтинг: +11 (2 лучших ответа, 1 голоса - За, 0 голоса - Против).
Ответ эксперта
Здравствуйте, Дамир! Разница в глагольных временах.
Первый пример: «they will be tired because they will be exercising so hard» — здесь согласовано 2 времени Future Simple(будущее простое) и Future Continuous (будущее длительное).
Перевод: «они устанут, потому что будут тяжело упражняться»

Второй пример: «they will be tired because they will have been exercising so hard» — здесь в первой части снова Future Simple(будущее простое), но во второй, придаточной части — Future Perfect Continuous (используется для описания действия, которое начинается до некоторого момента в будущем и продолжается до этого момента.

Акцент делается на том, как долго продолжается действие, и обычно присутствует указание на период времени.

Future Perfect Continuous употребляется очень редко.)

Перевод: «Они устанут, потому что они к этому моменту будут заниматься тяжело»

Во втором примере делается акцент на некий момент на временной шкале.

Лучший ответ по мнению автора
Ответ эксперта

2. Completethe interview…


I. What do you notice (notice) about students in the USA?

G. They get up (get up) very early for school.

I. What time does school start in Germany?

G. We also begin at 8 o`clock but in the USA the school day lasts longer. Also the timetable doesn`t give much time for breaks and lunch.

I. What do you think of American food, Gabi?

G. I like the breakfasts because they are similar to Germany, but the school lunch doesn`t taste very good. It`s always burgers or pizza and fries.

I. And what do students do in their free time?

G. Sport is very important in the USA so they play baseball or football after school.

I. Do you play these sports in Germany?

G. Yes, I`m in a women`s football team but we don`t use an oval ball. Our footballs or soccer balls are round.


1.       Complete the text with the past simple form of the verb in brackets or short answers.

Dix was a writer and Laura was a young actress. They lived in the same apartment block, but they didn`t know each other. One night Dix brought a young girl back to his flat. As they arrived, they met Laura. She and Dix looked at each other. They didn`t speak, but they were instantly attracted to each other. The next morning the police asked Laura to go to the police station. The girl was dead. The police thought that Dix was the murderer. “Did you see Dix leave with the girl?” They asked. “No, I didn`t.” – she replied, “I saw him standing at his bedroom window – alone.”

Dix and Laura`s eyes met across the room. Everyone could see they were in love.


2.       Complete the questions with the past simple form of the verbs in the box.

1.What job did Dix do? He was a writer.

2.When did Dix and Laura first meet? One night, when Dix brought a girl home to his flat.

3.Did they talk to each other? No, they didn`t. They just looked at each other.

4.Why did the police ask Laura to go to the police station? They wanted to ask her some questions.

5.Was Dix worried? No, he was sure Laura could prove his innocence.

6.What did she tell the police? That she saw him standing alone at his bedroom window.

7.Were they in love? Yes, it was obvious to everybody.


1.       Look at the pictures and write sentences. Use going to and the phrases in the box.

1.He`s going to travel round the world.

2.He`s going to become a firefighter.

3.They`re  going to get married.

4.She`s going to try something exciting.

5.He`s going to buy a Ferrari.

6.He`s going to start his diet next week.

7.She`s going to have a long holiday.

8.She`s going to grow her own food.

Лучший ответ по мнению автора
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