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Всего эксперт дал 10 ответов, Рейтинг: +26 (5 лучших ответа, 1 голоса - За, 0 голоса - Против).
Ответ эксперта
вижу ваши предложения так:
11) We talking for a long time, he asked me questions and I answered them willingly.

12) The conditions permitting, I will come to you for the summer.
13) It being very warm, the children were sleeping outside.
14) All preparations having been finished, we went on a hike.
15) The ship swimming very slowly, hundreds of birds were spinning over it.
16) It was late, there not being a star in the sky.
17) The sun having set, the tourists started a fire.
18) It being very late, the meeting was over.
Ответ эксперта
2) Yes, he was born in Ukraine. Was he born in Ukraine?3)  I am in the tenth form. What form are you in?4)  No, he lives in Australia. Does he live in England?5)  No, I don't have any relatives in England. Do you have any relatives in England?6)  The windows of our classroom face the garden. What do the windows of your classroom face?
Ответ эксперта
1. Nick is your friend, isn’t he?<br А В C<br 2. The window of my room faces the north.<br А В С<br 3. Who is this man? — He is my uncle.<br А В C<br 4. There is a wardrobe, a writing- table and a bed in my room.<br А В C<br 5. How many windows are there in your room?<br А В C<br 6. There are no computers in your school, are there ?<br А В C<br 7. Your grandparents live with you, don't they ?<br А В C<br 8. It's half past three by my watch.<br А В С<br 9. The first lesson in our school begins at half past seven.<br А В С<br 10. They always try to spend holidays together<br А В C<br 11. All the children like summer best of all.<br A B С<br 12. It usually doesn't snow in summer in our region.<br А В С
Ответ эксперта

Учитывая формулировку задания к предложению, his advise may be relied on — единственное союзное подчинение, которое смогла тут найти. 

Лучший ответ по мнению автора
Ответ эксперта

That consignment of coffee was imported from Brazil. (Past Simple Passive — прошедшее простое время, пассивный залог) The temperature of water is raised by heating. (Present Simple Passive — настоящее простое время, пассивный залог) They are discussing the news to be published in tomorrows issue. ( Present Continuous Active — настоящее продолженное время, активный залог) This scientist's question will be answered ( Future Sipmle Passive — будущее простое время, пассивный залог) at once. I wasn't told that George was ill. (Past Simple Passive — прошедшее простое время, пассивный залог)

Лучший ответ по мнению автора
Ответ эксперта

контрольную отправила на почту)

Ответ эксперта

1. As the manager was out we had to wait. 2. He must leave this night on board the ship in which he can make the voyage. 3. They could not cross the river because of the storm. 4. May I see your licence? 5. She might not come to the meeting.

Лучший ответ по мнению автора
Ответ эксперта

присоединяюсь) где контрольная?

Лучший ответ по мнению автора
Ответ эксперта

to greet – greeting (приветствующий) – greeted (приветствованный)


to celebrate – celebrating (празднующий) – celebrated (отпразднованный)


to change – changing (меняющий) – changed (измененный)


to know – knowing (знающий) – known (известный)


to build – building (строящий) – built (построенный)

Ответ эксперта

1. it was announced that the cryogenic cable had been invented in russia. 

2. the operator asked if heat treatment would restore the correct structure. 

3. it had been discovered that some elements might have isotopes.

4. at first it was not clear whether new telephone satellite communication was reliable or not.

5. the specialist was asked why the carbon content was too high for the metal to be used without refining.

6. one should remember that the successes achieved by chemistry and engineering are playing quite a big part in our country s space researching.

7. we knew for certain why polymeric materials were becoming more popular and were being used more extensively.

8. mendeleyev was sure that the new elements would be discovered and would find their proper place in his table.

9. it is found that the mechanical properties of iron could be greatly affected by the presence of small quantities of other substances.

10. he is asked why the ketones strongly resembledthe aldehydes in chemical behavior during the experiment.

Лучший ответ по мнению автора
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