Помогите пожалуйста! - вопрос №2226959

8. Употребите прилагательные и наречия в сравнительной и превосходной степенях.
8.1 nice ___________ ___________
8.2 thin ___________ ___________
8.3 bad __________ ___________
8.4 reliable ____________ ___________
8.5 little ____________ ___________
8.6 busy ____________ ___________

9. Напишите антонимы для указанных слов.
9.1 many __________
9.2 better __________
9.3 less __________
9.4 true ___________
9.5 possible ___________
9.6 deep ___________

10. Выберите а), b), с), d), чтобы закончить предложение.
10.1 Do you insist ______________in the expedition?
a) participate
b) participating
c) participated
d) on participating

10.2 We have never seen ______ wonderful decoration!
a) so
b) so a
c) such
d) such a

10.3 He speaks French ___________better than his friend does.
a) much more
b) quite more
c) much
d) more

10.4 They have been friends _____ five years or so.
a) since
b) during
c) for
d) on

10.5 They lifted the heavy structures___ using more powerful crane.
a) by
b) with
c) on
d) of

10.6 Surely, it was difficult for them _________ so unpopular decision.
a) making
b) to make
c) make
d) made

10.7 Her son does nothing but _____ games on computer.
a) playing
b) to play
c) play
d) played
10.8 The weather seems _____________.
a) improves
b) to improves
c) to be improving
d) be improved
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