Задание 2 Перепишите предложения, выделите глаголы to be/ to have/ to do и определите их функцию. Переведите предложения на русский язык. 1. Though - вопрос №2681721

the war did not threaten any vital US interests, it did cause important problems. 2. The US Department participated less actively in the international environment than did its European counterparts( коллеги) 3. Before the fuel entered the cylinder, it had to pass through a wide injection channel. 4. An atom-beam microscope will be a unique instrument for examining structures. 5. Six helicopters are to be produced within a year. 6. The company has 41 firm order. 7. The consortium has developed most of the electronics optics and lasers needed for working systems. 8. The company will have to do some work on a civil supersonic aircraft.
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