VI Rewrite each sentence using... - вопрос №843454

VI. Rewrite each sentence using the word given. a. Why did you turn off the oven? That was a mistake. Have ____________________________________________ b. You ought to have your hair cut. Cutting ____________________________________________ c. It’s difficult to see anything just of the windscreen. Hardly ____________________________________________ d. Perhaps they got lost on the way. Have ____________________________________________ e. Biting your nails is areally annoying habit! Wouldn’t ____________________________________________ f. I think that the dog probably ate your cigarettes. Have ____________________________________________ g. What we really need is a torch! Only ____________________________________________ h. I’m sure that Peter hasn’t left yet. Have ____________________________________________ i. The dentist has just taken my teeth out. Have ____________________________________________ j. We ought to finish now. Finished ____________________________________________


b.Cutting the hair is a given manner to look the best.c.Hardly visible way is given us today.d.Have they forgot our instructions that were given them before travel?e.Wouldn't you have it would be great gift wich is given to you and you would be perfect person.f.Have your cigarettes in the proper and given place next time.g.Only torch light could disperse this evil given darkness.h.Have the books ready that were given for him.i.Have these given cotton balls in the mouth for a long time to avoid bleeding my doctor said.j. Finished job is a good deal that is given us by the client.


d.Wouldn't you have this harmful habit,it would be great gift wich is given to you and you would be perfect person.



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Й Гавриил Йорданов

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