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Перевод на английский язык - Домашние задания и контрольные - Курсовые и дипломные по английскому
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Отличный эксперт и специалист в своём деле! Однозначно рекомендую, очень благодарна Евгении за помощь!  
Всего эксперт дал 12 ответов, Рейтинг: +7 (1 лучших ответа, 2 голоса - За, 0 голоса - Против).
Ответ эксперта

Упражнение № 1


1. игрушка мальчика —  boy`s toy

2. платье  девочки- girl`s dress

3. игра мальчика -  boy`s game

4. еда собаки —  dog`s food

5. тарелка мамы  —  mum`s plate

6. портфель учителя — teacher`s bag

7. мяч ребенка —  child`s ball

8. машина папы  —  father`s car

9. цветок бабушки —  granny`s flower

Упражнение№ 2


1. игра сына — son`s game

2.оценка ребенка —  child`s mark

3.жизнь собаки —  dog`s life

4.клуб кошки —  cat`s club

5 климат Англии —  England's climate

6.история России —  history of Russia

7.проблема семьи —  family's problem (семья — люди  -одушевлённое), family problem 

8.обед папы —  dad`s dinner

9.книга бабушки- granny`s book

10. платье мамы- mum`s dress

Упражнение №3


1. игры сыновей —  sons` games

2.оценки детей —  kids`marks

3.жизни собак —  dogs` lives

4.клубы кошек- cats` clubs

5 климат городов-  climates of towns

 6.история городов- histories of towns

7.проблема семей- families' problems

8.обед пап- dads` dinners

9.книги бабушек -  grannies` books

10. платья мам —  mums`dresses

Ответ эксперта

1. The problem to be discussed is connected with the city water supply system. Indefinite Infinitive Passive 

2. This method is not good enough to be used everywhere. Indefinite Infinitive Passive 

3. A new comfortable coach was developed to transport people over long distances.  Indefinite Infinitive Active

4. It did not take much time to pave the road. Indefinite Infinitive Active

5. The internal combustion engine to be used in this lorry is of a new design. Indefinite Infinitive Passive 

6. The road surface to be repaired was destroyed many years ago by heavy vehicles. Indefinite Infinitive Passive 

7. Goods to be transported to the north are stored at the railway station. Indefinite Infinitive Passive 

8. He was too tired to be asked any questions. Indefinite Infinitive Passive 

9. England looks like one well ordered park.  Englishmen like to preserve various old trees (Indefinite Infinitive Active). There are some trees which were even too old to be cut for building ships in the seventeenth century. (Indefinite Infinitive Passive) 

10. A high speed electronic machine has introduced great changes in carrying out various mathematical calculations. This electronic machine works according to a programme to be prepared in advance and can carry out several thousand arithmetic operations per second. Indefinite Infinitive Passive 

Ответ эксперта

 1. мячик собаки dog’s ball

2. скейтборд мальчика boy’s skateboard

3. бабушкин зонтик granny’s umbrella
4. комната друга friend’s room
5. вопросы сына son’s questions
6.стол учителя teacher’s table
7.стихи Пушкина Pushkin’s poems
8. голос девочки girl’s voice
9.клуб рабочих workers’ club
10.письмо Пети Peter’s letter
11.машина родителей parents’ car
12.жизнь мамы mother’s life
13 дети брата brother’s children
14. комната мальчиков boy’s room
15. имя девочки girl’s name
16 работа учеников students’ work
17. компьютер сына son’s computer

 Правило такое:

We use ‘s with one person/ animals / and irregular plurals.

We use s’  with two or more people.

Ответ эксперта
a) She might have taken the money. 
Лучший ответ по мнению автора
Ответ эксперта

1. ..Searchers examine the structure of the cells. 2. The invention of radio and television changed our leisure time. 3. This theory was experimentally proved. 4. He has won a prize at the national conference. 5. There are different scientific fields. 

1. Science deals with a variety of subjects. 2. Scientists search for the answers to the different questions. 3. The structure of the cells is elaborated by scientists. 4. Different theories use the facts. 5. The boundaries of some scientific fields are not clear. 6. Natural, social and technical sciences are closely interrelated. 7. Throughout the ages, people have invented tools, machines, and materials to make work easier.8. Science contributes much to modern technology. 9. Some modern technologies depend on science. 10. During our leisure time we watch TV.

Ответ эксперта

1. She was having a shower when friends came.
2. He was telling a joke when a teacher came in.
3. They were having a party when the neighbours complained.
4. I was reading a book when a film started.
5. She was typing when a computer broke down.
6. They were jogging when the snow started.
7. He was singing when he broke a window.
8. I broke a glass when I was washing up.
Ответ эксперта
  1.        Handling
  2.        Known
  3.        Processed
  4.        Subjected
  5.        Is held
  6.        Called
  7.        Processing
  8.        Justified
  9.        Damage
  10.    Used
  11.    Made
  12.    Based
  13.    Amended or destroyed
  14.    Suffered
  15.    Failed


Ответ эксперта
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Ответ эксперта
правильный ответ — I am getting old. 
тут ключевое слово — сравнительная степень прилагательного youngER -  я был(а) помоложе, чем сейчас, то есть я еще старею, я не совсем постарел, еще на старик. Если использовалось бы сочетание «get old», то прилагательное было бы не в сравнительной степени, а в обычной форме «young» -  Do you dance? I used to when I was YOUNG, but not now. I get old.
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