Помогите с упражнением - вопрос №2166390

изображение из вопроса


1.       This is pink soap. This is not pink soap. Is this pink soap?

2.       These are sweet biscuits. These are not sweet biscuits. Are these sweet biscuits?

3.       That is apple jam. That is not apple jam. Is that apple jam?

4.        That is a big shop. That is not a big shop. Is that a big shop?

5.       These are wet umbrellas. These are not wet umbrellas. Are these wet umbrellas?

6.       That is a nice flower. That is not a nice flower. Is that a nice flower?

7.       Those are yellow roses. Those are not yellow roses. Are those yellow roses?

8.       This blackboard is new and large. This blackboard is not new and large. Is this blackboard new and large?

9.       Those sheep are white and brown. Those sheep are not white and brown. Are those sheep white and brown?  

10.   That exercise is easy. That exercise is not easy. Is that exercise easy?



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Анастасия Ильинична

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