1.How long ______ Kevin _______ for Superior Products? - вопрос №3274290

1.How long ______ Kevin _______ for Superior Products? (Баллов: 1) />is … working />has … been working 2.John and Alison__________ German at school. (Баллов: 1) />learns />is learning />are learnt />learn 3.Lizzy is my ______ friend (Баллов: 1) />goodest />best />better 4.What _______ you _________ last night? (Баллов: 1) />are … doing />have … done />did… do 5.We _________ in our present house for almost a year now. (Баллов: 1) />have been living />had lived />lived 6.“What are your plans for Friday?” – “We ________ have a picnic.” (Баллов: 1) />are going to />want />will to />go to 7.John and Alison _______ English, so they can’t come out to play. (Баллов: 1) />learn />are learnt />are learning />learns 8.That was _________ football game I’ve ever seen. (Баллов: 1) />the excitingest />more exciting />the most exciting 9.She swims _______. (Баллов: 1) />good />well />goodly 10.When we got to London, it _________ and cars ______ very carefully. (Баллов: 1) />has snowed … drove />was snowing … were driving />snowed … were driving 11.Have you got ______ time free on Wednesday afternoon? (Баллов: 1) />any />some 12.My friend Emma is a _______ swimmer. (Баллов: 1) />well />good />goodly 13.Many _______ work nowadays. (Баллов: 1) />womans />wimen />women 14.My hair ______ blond. (Баллов: 1) />are />Is 15.February is often ________ month of the year. (Баллов: 1) />colder />coldest />the coldest 16.We __________ very busy lately. (Баллов: 1) />were />are />have been 17.To press the clothes you need _______. (Баллов: 1) />an iron />iron 18.I’d like _______ juice. (Баллов: 1) />any />some 19.I always do my homework ______. Nobody helps _______. (Баллов: 1) />mine … me />yourself … you />me … myself />myself …… me 20.Did you see Andy Wilson at the pub _______? (Баллов: 1) />yet />yesterday 21.May I have ______ tea? (Баллов: 1) />some />any 22.I _______ meal when the light ______ out. I had to stop (Баллов: 1) />made … went />made … was going />was making … went 23.No news ______ good news. (Баллов: 1) />are />is 24.Did Janet really fix the car ______? (Баллов: 1) />herself />yourself />herselves />yourselves 25.We ______ to Berlin last year. (Баллов: 1) />were moving />moved />have moved 26.Please, be quiet! __________ to the news. (Баллов: 1) />I’m listening />I’ve been listening

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