Английский - вопрос №149920

Say what you would rather do in the following situations.

1)If you could choose between travelling by plane or by train,which would you rather do?


2)If you had to choose between a summer holiday or a winter holiday,which would you choose?


3)You have to choose between fizzy mineral water or still mineral water.


4)What do you want to watch on TV,the news or thefootball match?


5)In a restaurant,you have to choose between boiled potatoes or French fries.


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1) I'd rather travel by train, because I'm afraid of travelling by plane.

2). I'd rather have a summer holiday, I like spending time at the seaside.

3) I'd rather have still mineral water, because fizzy mineral water is harmful for my throat.

4) I'd rather watch football match, I'm a big fan of this football team.

5) I'd rather have boiled potatoes as they are more wholesome for me than French fries.

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