Помогите, пожалуйста, добавить в код - отправка данных "Телефон" (чтобы, когда приходило письмо на почту, отображался номер телефона). - вопрос №1741717

В самой форме я добавил поле Телефон http://prntscr.com/9af1hj

Вот сам код php:

<?php// Replace the email address with the one that should receive the contact form inquiries.define('TO_EMAIL', 'put_your_own_email_address_here@example.com');// === You don't need to change anything else. ===$aErrors = array();$aResults = array();/* Functions */function stripslashes_if_required($sContent) {if(get_magic_quotes_gpc()) {return stripslashes($sContent);} else {return $sContent;}}function get_current_url_path() {$sPageUrl = «http://».$_SERVER[«SERVER_NAME»].$_SERVER[«REQUEST_URI»];$count = strlen(basename($sPageUrl));$sPagePath = substr($sPageUrl,0, -$count);return $sPagePath;}function output($aErrors = array(), $aResults = array()){ // Output JSON$bFormSent = empty($aErrors)? true: false;$aCombinedData = array('bFormSent' => $bFormSent,'aErrors' => $aErrors,'aResults' => $aResults);header('Content-type: application/json');echo json_encode($aCombinedData);exit;}// Check supported version of PHPif (version_compare(PHP_VERSION, '5.2.0', '<')) { // PHP 5.2 is required for the safety filters used in this script$aErrors[] = 'Unsupported PHP version. <br /><em>Minimum requirement is 5.2.<br />Your version is '. PHP_VERSION .'.</em>';output($aErrors);}if (!empty($_POST)) { // Form posted?// Get a safe-sanitized version of the posted data$sFromEmail = filter_input(INPUT_POST, 'email', FILTER_SANITIZE_EMAIL);$sFromName = filter_input(INPUT_POST, 'name', FILTER_SANITIZE_STRING, FILTER_FLAG_STRIP_LOW);$sMessage = stripslashes_if_required($_POST['message']);$sMessage .= "\r\n--\r\nEmail sent from ". get_current_url_path();$sHeaders = «From: '$sFromName' <$sFromEmail>»."\r\n";$sHeaders .= «Reply-To: '$sFromName' <$sFromEmail>»;if (filter_var($sFromEmail, FILTER_VALIDATE_EMAIL)) { // Valid email format?$bMailSent = mail(TO_EMAIL, «New inquiry from $sFromName», $sMessage, $sHeaders);if ($bMailSent) {$aResults[] = «Message sent, thank you!»;} else {$aErrors[] = «Message not sent, please try again later.»;}} else {$aErrors[] = 'Invalid email address.';}} else { // Nothing posted$aErrors[] = 'Empty data submited.';}output($aErrors, $aResults);
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