Fill in: will or be going to in the correct form. Example: A: What do you want to do when you leave school? B: I’m going to be a dancer. 1. A: I - вопрос №1913845

think the house is on fire! B: I………………………………………… phone the fire brigade. 2. A: I’ll get the sugar from the cupboard. B: Watch out! You………………………..hit your head on the door. 3. A: Haven’t you finished those letters yet? B: No, I……………..stay late and finish them. 4. A: ………………………….you have another cake? B: No, thank you, I’ve already had two. 5. A: Do you want to go to the park this afternoon? B: I can’t. I………………………visit my grandparents.


1. Am going to
2. Will
3.Am going to
5.Am going to


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Фаиза Саидова

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