Проверьте перевод, пожалуйста - вопрос №2132963

Happiness for me is a big and friendly family, friendship, a peaceful sky over my head. Happiness is something that lives inside each of us, but not all the people are able to feel it. You can neither buy happiness, nor sell it; you can never win it in the lottery; the only way to be happy is to grow your happiness. Must be able to find happiness in small things, to greet with a smile every day and then you will have the strength to overcome all the adversity that life sends.

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Нина, добрый день, в общем и целом хорошо, вот некоторые поправки. 

Happiness for me is having a big and friendly family, friendship, a peaceful sky over my head. Happiness is something that lives inside each of us, but not all the people are able to feel it. You can neither buy happiness, nor sell it; you can never win it in the lottery; the only way to be happy is to grow your happiness. You must be able to find happiness in small things, to greet with a smile every day (every day with a smile) and then you will have the strength to overcome all the adversity that life sends (я бы немножко модифицировала, например can/might send, чтобы не бросать глагол в одиночестве). 

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