Переведите в Past Simple и Past Continuous Vlad Tichinskyi Новичок (0), Вопрос открыт 12 минут назад 1. When I (to see) him, he (to stand) in the - вопрос №2554698

street. 2. I not (to go) out last night, because it (to rain.) 3. As my brother (to get) off the tram, he (to fall) and (to break) his leg. 4. I (to see) that Kate (to sit) at the nearest table. 5. On sunday, when I (to come) from a walk I (to meet) a strange man. 6. When I (to awake) this morning it (to be) so late that the sun (to shine) high in the sky. 7. She (to see) Henry, who (to took) at the picture. 8. He not (to see) me, as he (to read) a book when I (to come ) into the room. 9. The ship (to start) at once, because the wind then (to blow) in the right direction. 10. She (to live) with her brother in the South when she (to meet) Ann


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