английский язык,страдательный залог - вопрос №270266

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1.Dad phoned us and asked if our laggage (already pack).

2.What a pity,John won`t come.He (tell) about the meeting beforehand.

3.The Tower of London (build) by William the Conqueror in 1078 as a castle and palace.Since that time it (expand) to its present size, and (use) as anarmoury,a zoo,

a royal mint,a prison and a museum.At the time when it  was a prison  a lot of people (lock)in the Tower for their religious beliefs or suspected  treason.Ann  Boleyn,Sir Walter Raleigh and Elizabeth  the First (shut up)there,too.Spies (imprison)  in the tower  during  both World Wars .Some at the  prisoners (allow) to walk in the grounds, live in comfortable  rooms and receiv visitors.Many convicted (publicly/execute) on tower Hill.They (behead) with  the block and axe ,which (keep)and (show) in the tower Armoury now.The Jewel  House (situate) at the tower. The collection of the Crown Jewels(keep) in it).

Заранее спасибо.


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1.Dad phoned us and asked if our laggage had alreadybeen packed.

2.What a pity,John won`t come.He has been told about the meeting beforehand.

3.The Tower of London was built by William the Conqueror in 1078 as a castle and palace.Since that time it was expanded to its present size, and was used as an armoury,a zoo,a royal mint,a prison and a museum.At the time when it  was a prison  a lot of people were locked in the Tower for their religious beliefs or suspected  treason.Ann  Boleyn,Sir Walter Raleigh and Elizabeth  the First were shut up there,too.Spies were imprisoned in the tower  during  both World Wars .Some at the  prisoners were allowed to walk in the grounds, live in comfortable  rooms and receiv visitors.Many convicted were publicly executed on tower Hill. They have been beheaded with  the block and axe ,which are kept and shown in the tower Armoury now.The Jewel  House is situated at the tower. The collection of the Crown Jewels is kept in it.

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