Which conditional – 0, 1, or 2? Open the brackets and put the verbs into the appropriate forms. - вопрос №3613924

1) If you _______________ (boil) water, it _______________ (turn) to steam.

2) If I _______________ (be) an astronaut, I _______________ (take) the photos of Turkey from space.

3) If you _______________ (put) a stone in the water, it _______________ (go) down.

4) If you _______________ (put) oil into water, it _______________ (float).

5) If there _______________ (be) no water on earth, we _______________ (not exist).

6) If you _______________ (be) a bird, where __________ you _______________ (fly) to?

7) Anna _______________ (pass) the test if she _______________ (study) hard enough.

8) If you _______________ (heat), ice it _______________ (melt).

9) I _______________ (not do) that if I _______________ (be) you.

10) If he _______________ (get) any worse I _______________ (take) him to the doctor's.

11) If the snow _______________ (get) any worse, we ______________ (have to) stop walking.

12) If ice _______________ (melt), it _______________ (turn) to water.

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