Нумерация элементов let people = [{ name: 'Malika', budget: 20000, rent: 12, expenses: [{ total: 2000, title: - вопрос №4744624

'sousages' }, { total: 1200, title: 'mobile phone' }, { total: 3000, title: 'car' }, ] }, { name: 'Diyor from 611 gr', budget: 20000, rent: 12, expenses: [{ total: 1500, title: 'sousages' }, { total: 2200, title: 'sousages width ketchup' }, { total: 3500, title: 'sousages' }, ] }, { name: 'Aziz', budget: 20200, rent: 12, expenses: [{ total: 100, title: 'girls' }, { total: 4200, title: 'girls' }, { total: 300, title: 'girls' }, ] }, { name: 'Amir', budget: 27000, rent: 12, expenses: [{ total: 2000, title: 'study' }, { total: 1000, title: 'games' }, { total: 5000, title: 'clothes' }, ] }, { name: 'Maxmudbek', budget: 15000, rent: 12, expenses: [{ total: 1111, title: 'sigarets' }, { total: 1900, title: 'chilim' }, { total: 6000, title: 'anasha' }, ] }, { name: 'Samir', budget: 12000, rent: 12, expenses: [{ total: 1200, title: 'food' }, { total: 990, title: 'car' }, { total: 7000, title: 'protain' }, ] }, { name: 'Badriddin', budget: 2000, rent: 12, expenses: [{ total: 1000, title: 'taxi' }, { total: 8000, title: 'rich girls' }, { total: 700, title: 'on himself' }, ] } ] let cool = [] let bad = [] for (let person of people) { person.totalExpenses = 0 for (let item of person.expenses) { person.totalExpenses += item.total } person.totalMoney = person.budget — person.totalExpenses person.totalMoney = person.totalMoney — (person.rent * person.totalMoney / 100) if (person.totalMoney > 0) { cool.push(person.totalMoney) } else { bad.push(person.totalMoney) } document.write(` name:${person.name} money:${person.totalMoney} `) }
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