Complete the second sentence so that it has a similar meaning to the first. Use between two and five words including the word in capitals. Do not change the word given. 0 I don’t have many friends - вопрос №4967102

who live in the city centre. VERY Very few of my friends live in the city centre. 1 Eighteen out of twenty children were crying at the end of the film. NEARLY ___________________________________ were crying at the end of the film. 2 We wasted so much time on that project. LOADS ___________________________________ was wasted on that project. 3 There were ten cakes. They were all eaten. EVERY ___________________________________ cakes was eaten. 4 I’ve been waiting to see the doctor for forty minutes. In twenty minutes it will be an hour. BEEN In twenty minutes I _____________________ _____________ to see the doctor for an hour. 5 She doesn’t behave in the way she tells other people to behave. PREACHES She doesn’t ___________________________ __________. 6 I spent lots of time thinking about it and I’m sick of it. DEAL I spent _______________________________ thinking about it and I’m sick of it. 7 The blue bag is for Alison and the yellow bag is for you.OTHER The blue bag if for Alison. The _____________ ______________________ for you.
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