Английский язык 10 класс, тема "Used to and would" - вопрос №5415157

Complete the sentences with the correct form of the verbs in brackets. Sometimes more than one answer is possible.
1) Kim ____________________(travel) to Asia twice a year but now she cannot afford this.
2) When we lived in London, we _______________(go) jogging in Hyde Park every day.
3) ____________________(Mark/visit) his family in Scotland last year?
4) We ____________________(not/enjoy) spending time in the countryside. Now we love it!
5) When Ben was a child, he ____________________(play) in the forest.
6) ____________________ (Luke/like) sightseeing when he was a child?
7) Back in kindergarten, they____________________(play) hide and seek every day.
8) I ____________________(love) swimming in the river as a child. The water never felt too cold.
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