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1.Complete.1.… computer is very good. ( Harry)2. Is… birthday in July? ( Helen)3. Viv is my… best friend. ( sister)4.… violin is on her bed. ( Lucy)5.… favourite food is fish fingers. (Cosmo) 6. That isn't… ball! That's my ball! ( David)7. That… mum is a teacher. ( boy)8. Where is… bowl? ( Bella)2. Complete with 's or '. 1.Chris… brother is a teacher.2. I like Anne… dress, but l don't like James… T-shirt.3. The girl… shoes are under the bed.4. My cousin… CDs are on the desk.5. Do you know Stella… grandmother?6. Giles… house has got a lovely garden.7. Jade… bike is red.8. My sisters… room is very big.3. Complete.1.… mum is a teacher. ( Robert and Sophie)2. The… room is on the left. ( children)3. Who is your… friend ( aunt) 4. My… car is red ( parents)5. I've got… DVD. ( Marie and Tess)6. The… bike are over there. ( women) 7. Where are… bowls? (Cosmo and Bella)8. We saw the… father at the supermarket. ( girls)

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Здравствуйте, Ульяна.

Задание выполнено:


1. Harry’s computer is very good. 2. Is Helen’s birthday in July? 3. Viv is my sister’s best friend. 4. Lucy’s violin is on her bed. 5. Cosmo’s favourite food is fish fingers. 6. That isn't David’s ball! That's my ball! 7. That boy’s mum is a teacher. 8. Where is Bella’s bowl?

2. Complete with 's or '.

1. Chris’ brother is a teacher. 2. I like Anne’s dress, but l don't like James’ T-shirt. 3. The girl’s shoes are under the bed. 4. My cousin’s CDs are on the desk. 5. Do you know Stella’s grandmother? 6. Giles’ house has got a lovely garden. 7. Jade’s bike is red. 8. My sisters’ room is very big.

3. Complete.

1. Robert and Sophie’s mum is a teacher. 2. The children’s room is on the left. 3. Who is your aunt’s friend? 4. My parents’ car is red 5. I've got Marie and Tess’ DVD. 6. The women’s bike is over there. 7. Where are Cosmo’s and Bella’s bowls? 8. We saw the girls’ father at the supermarket.

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