5. Задайте общий, специальный, альтернативный и разделительный вопросы к каждому предложению: - She lives near the plant. - He considered the buyer’s enquiry. - The key is on the table. 6. Употребите - вопрос №1890151


She lives near the plant.
Общий: Does she live near the plant?
Специальный: Where does she live?
Альтернативный: Does she live near the plant or the church? 
Рaзделительный: She lives near the plant, doesn't she?

He considered the buyer's enquiry.
Общий: Did he consider the buyer's enquiry?
Специальный: Whose enquiry did he consider?
Альтернативный: Did he consider or ignore the buyer's enquiry? 
Рaзделительный: He considered the buyer's enquiry, didn't he?

The key is on the table.
Общий: Is the key on the table?
Специальный: What is on the table?
Альтернативный: Is the key on the table or in your bag? 
Рaзделительный: The key is on the table, isn't it?


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