Преобразуйте предложение в разделительный вопрос: 1.Many inventions have contributed to contemporary logo, ? 2.First coins were made in 600 BCE,? 3.A logo may be of an abstract design,? - вопрос №4270395

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Example There are 10 months in a week.

Answer No, there aren't. There are 12 months in a week.

1.The US had 600 printing firms.

2.Artistic credit was assigned to individual artists.

3.Individual artists performed more important jobs.

4.The printing firms employed 800 people.

5.Trade groups in commercial art were closed.

6.Industrial revolution converted industrial societies into agrarian.

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Преобразуйте предложение в разделительный вопрос:
1.Many inventions have contributed to contemporary logo,haven`t they? 2.First coins were made in 600 BCE, weren`t they? 3.A logo may be of an abstract design, may not it?



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