Помогите пожалуйста - вопрос №778105

Hello friends. My name is Vera. My surname is Voronina. I was born on the 13 of October in Sochi. This is the most beautiful city in Russia.

There are four people in my family. My father name is Mikhail Evgenievich. He is a mathematician by education but he works at a bank. My mother name is Natalya Yakovlevna. She worksas a chiefaccountant at the hotel. I have a sister. She is younger than me. Her name is Tanya. She is thirteen. My grandmother, my mother mother, lives with us. She is very kind and helps a lot.

I'm a student of the Faculty of Economics of the State University. Usually my classes begin at 8 oclock in the morning. As a rule I dont miss my classes.

It is the 25 of September today. It is warmer today than it is usually in September. I'm going to the University now. Usually I go there by bus, but today I'm going on foot, because the weather is fine.

1)выпишите из текста все существительные, образуя от них множественное число.

2) найдите в тексте прилагательные и образуйте от них недостающие степени сравнения.

3) выпишите из текста подчеркнутые предложения, преобразуйте их в отрицательные и задайте вопросы к этим предложениям.

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