Сайт выдает ошибку; Warning: Cannot modify header information - headers already sent by (output started at - вопрос №2391517

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Не пойму что не так в коде

<?php // +-------------------------------------------------+ // � 2002-2004 Liber / // +-------------------------------------------------+ // $Id:,v 1.2 2005/03/22 10:17:03 gautier Exp $ // PDF de fiche catalographique /* re�oit: un cb ou id d'exemplaire */ // r�cup�ration des codes langues if (!count($langue_doc)) { $f_lang = new marc_list('lang'); $langue_doc = $f_lang->table; } global $for_page; // Peremennye, kotorye mozno menyat' // � ������� ����� ����, verxnii levii ygol ,top left corner $print_chtrix_code= 0;// ����� �����-����, chtrix code $print_free_index_top = 0;// ����� ������.�������, svobodnii indeks $print_klass_index = 0;// ����� ����.���., klassifikacionnii indeks $print_shifr_xran = 1;// ����� ����� ����., shifr xranenia // ����. ����� ��������, niznaja chact' kartochki ,bottom part of a card $print_categ = 0;// ����� ���������/�������, kategorii $print_store_place= 0;// ����� ����� ������., mesto xranenia $print_invent_nomer= 0;// ����� ���.������, inventarnii nomer, shifr xranenia $print_free_index= 0;// ����� ������.�������, svobodnii indeks $print_chtrix_code_down = 0;// ����� �����-����, chtrix code $print_period_4card= 0;// true — pe4at' vsex shtrix-codov // ����. ������ ����, niznii pravii ygol ,bottom right corneer $print_key_index_down= 1;// ����� ����.���., klassifikacionnii indeks $print_shifr_xran_down= 0;// ����� ����� ������., shifr xranenia $print_free_index_down= 0;// ����� ������.�������, svobodnii indeks // modules propres � pdf.php ou � ses sous-modules require_once("$class_path/notice.class.php"); require_once("$class_path/expl.class.php"); require_once("$class_path/indexint.class.php"); require_once("$include_path/"); require_once("$include_path/"); require_once($class_path."/serial_display.class.php"); function Get_topExemplair($notice_id){ global $dbh; $return = ''; if ($notice_id=='') { return; } $requete = «SELECT expl_id FROM exemplaires WHERE expl_notice='».$notice_id."'"; $result = @mysql_query($requete, $dbh); if (mysql_num_rows($result)){ $expl_id = mysql_result($result, 0); $return = new exemplaire($expl_cb, $expl_id);//для книги } return $return; } $exemplaire = new exemplaire($expl_cb, $expl_id);//для книги // if statia => $analitic_id>0 // if book => $expl_id>0 if($analitic_id>0){ //$exemplaire->id_notice; $expl_id = $analitic_id; } //FIX by Alex $notice = new notice($exemplaire->id_notice); if(!$print_period){ $id4AllExemps = $notice->id; } if($notice->biblio_level == 'a' OR $notice->biblio_level == 's' OR $notice->id == 0 OR $exemplaire->id_notice == 0 OR $print_period ){ //if($notice->code != "" ){ $notice=new notice($expl_id);// ��� ���������, for periodic //$exemplaire=new exemplaire($expl_cb, $notice->ed1_id);// ��� ��������� $exemplaire = Get_topExemplair($notice->id); }else{ $exemplaire=new exemplaire($expl_cb, $expl_id);// ��� ����� $notice=new notice($exemplaire->id_notice);// ��� ����, for books } if(!$id4AllExemps){ $id4AllExemps = $notice->id; } if($print_period){ $print_chtrix_code_down = 0; } $print_period = $print_period_4card; //END of FIX $index=new indexint($notice->indexint); $length=125; // length of catalographic card $width=76; // width of catalographic card $height=5; // heigth of a line in a catalographic card $header=""; // header of the catalographic card class PDF extends FPDF { function create() { /*---------------------------------------------------------* ! Create the catalographic card ! *---------------------------------------------------------*/ global $width; global $length; global $expl_cb; $this->FPDF(«P», «mm», array($length,$width)); $this->Open(); $this->setMargins(5,5,5); $this->setAutoPageBreak(true,$height); $this->setDisplayMode(125); $this->setTiTle(«Fiche catalograhique de l'exemplaire :».$expl_cb); $this->setAuthor(«PMB»); $this->setCreator(«PMB»); //$this->AddFont('Arial', '' ,'arial.php'); $this->AddFont('Arial', '' ,''); } function Header() { /*---------------------------------------------------------* ! Create the header of the catalographic card ! *---------------------------------------------------------*/ global $header; global $width; global $length; global $height; global $exemplaire; global $index; $this->setFont(«Arial»,"",10); $this->Cell($length,$height,iconv('utf-8','windows-1251',$header)); $this->Ln(); $this->Cell($length/2,$height,iconv('utf-8','windows-1251',$exemplaire->cote)); $this->Cell($length/2,$height,iconv('utf-8','windows-1251',$index->name)); $this->Ln(); } function Body() { /*---------------------------------------------------------* ! Create the body of the catalographic card ! *---------------------------------------------------------*/ global $width; global $length; global $height; global $exemplaire; global $notice; global $auteur; global $body; //FIX by Alex global $body_tom; // ������ ��� ����� global $body_tom_end;// ����� ��� ����� global $auteur_need;// ��� ��������, �� �������� � ��������� ������, ���� �� 4 � ������ // END of FIX $languesorg= ""; $body=""; //FIX by Alex $body_tom = ""; $body_tom_end = ""; if($notice->tparent != ''){ $body_tom.=$notice->tparent; $body_tom_end.=' '.$notice->tnvol.': '.$notice->tit1; } //END of FIX $body.=' '.$notice->tit1; /* book title(s) */ if (strlen($notice->tit2)>0) { $body.=". ".$notice->tit2; $body_tom_end.=". ".$notice->tit2; } if (strlen($notice->tit3)>0) { $body.=" = ".$notice->tit3; $body_tom_end.=" = ".$notice->tit3; } if (strlen($notice->tit4)>0) { $body.=": ".$notice->tit4; $body_tom_end.=": ".$notice->tit4; } if (count($notice->responsabilites[«auteurs»]) > 0) { $body.=" / "; //$body_tom.=" / "; $body_tom_end.=" / "; $fonction = new marc_list('function'); } /* book author(s) */ // FIX by Alex $auteur_need = true; $auteur_fonction[$notice->responsabilites[«auteurs»][0][«fonction»]]=0;//array of authors' functions for($i=0;$i<count($notice->responsabilites[«auteurs»]);$i++) { $func=$notice->responsabilites[«auteurs»][$i][«fonction»]; if($func==«0» or $func==""){ $func=«070»; } if(array_key_exists($func,$auteur_fonction)){ $auteur_fonction[$func]++; }else{ $auteur_fonction[$func]=1; } } $auteur_fonction_const=$auteur_fonction; foreach($notice->languesorg as $key => $value){ $languesorg .= $value['langue'].', '; } $languesorg = preg_replace('/, $/s', '', $languesorg); // print authors according "���� 7.1-2003" // ���������� ������ ������� �������� ���� 7.1-2003 $k=0; for($i=0;$i<count($notice->responsabilites[«auteurs»]);$i++) { unset($auteur); $func=$notice->responsabilites[«auteurs»][$i][«fonction»]; if($func==«0» or $func=="") $func=«070»; $auteur=new auteur($notice->responsabilites[«auteurs»][$i][«id»]); if (!($func == «999» OR $func == «071»)){// не выводит юридическое лицо if($auteur_fonction[$func]<4 AND $auteur_fonction[$func]!=0){ if ($func != «070» AND $func != «730» AND $auteur_fonction[$func] == $auteur_fonction_const[$func] ) { $body_new[$func].=$fonction->table[$func]." "; }elseif($func == «730» AND $auteur_fonction[$func] == $auteur_fonction_const[$func]){ //$lang_file=file(«lang.xml»); //foreach($lang_file as $val){ //if(strstr($val,$notice->org_lang_code)){ //$lang=substr($val,strpos($val,'">')+2,strpos($val,'</')-strpos($val,'">')-2); //} //} $notice->org_lang_code=$notice->languesorg[0]['langue']; // Fix Sasha Yazyk originala $body_new[$func].='пер. c '.$notice->org_lang_code.' '; } $auteur_fonction[$func]--; if($auteur_fonction[$func]!=0){ $body_new[$func].=$auteur->isbd_entry. ", "; }else{ $body_new[$func].=$auteur->isbd_entry. "; "; $body_n[$k++]=$body_new[$func]; } }elseif($auteur_fonction[$func]!=0){ if ($func != «070» AND $func != «730») { $body_new[$func].=$fonction->table[$func]." "; }elseif($func == «730»){ $body_new[$func].='пер. c '.$notice->org_lang_code.' '; }else{ $auteur_need=false;// �� �������� ������ � ��������� �������� } $auteur_fonction[$func]=0; // if($notice->lang_code){// == «rus»){ $body_new[$func].=$auteur->isbd_entry." [и др.] "."; "; $body_n[$k++]=$body_new[$func]; // }else{ // $body_new[$func].=$auteur->isbd_entry."[et al.]"."; "; // $body_n[$k++]=$body_new[$func]; // } } }//if ($func != «999») }//for if(is_array($body_n)){ foreach($body_n as $var){ $body.=$var; $body_tom_end.=$var; } } unset($auteur_fonction_const,$auteur_fonction,$body_new,$func,$body_n); if(strpos($body,'/')){ $body=substr($body,0,strlen($body)-2).". — "; //$body_tom=substr($body_tom,0,strlen($body_tom)-2).". — "; $body_tom_end=substr($body_tom_end,0,strlen($body_tom_end)-2).". — "; }else{ $body.=". — "; $body_tom.=". — "; $body_tom_end.=". — "; } // END of FIX /* Mention d'edition */ if (strlen($notice->mention_edition)>0) { $body = $body.$notice->mention_edition.". — "; //$body_tom.=$notice->mention_edition.". — "; $body_tom_end.=$notice->mention_edition.". — "; } // END of FIX /* book editor(s) */ $publishersArray = array(); if ($notice->ed1_id){ $editeur = new editeur($notice->ed1_id); $publishersArray[] = array( «ville» => $editeur->ville, «editeur» => $editeur->name ); } if ($notice->ed2_id){ $editeur = new editeur($notice->ed2_id); $publishersArray[] = array( «ville» => $editeur->ville, «editeur» => $editeur->name ); } function bookEditors($publishers){ $e=""; if (!is_null($publishers[0]) && !is_null($publishers[1])){ if($publishers[0]['ville']===$publishers[1]['ville']){ $e=$publishers[0]['ville'].': '.$publishers[0]['editeur'].': '.$publishers[1]['editeur'];// ���������� ����� ������� } else{ $e=$publishers[0]['ville'].': '.$publishers[0]['editeur'].'; '.$publishers[1]['ville'].': '.$publishers[1]['editeur'];//������ ����� ������� } } elseif(!is_null($publishers[0])){// ������ ������ ����� ������� $e=$publishers[0]['ville'].': '.$publishers[0]['editeur']; } elseif(!is_null($publishers[1])){// ������ ������ ����� ������� $e=$publishers[1]['ville'].': '.$publishers[1]['editeur']; } else{// �� ������ ������������ $e='[�.�.]'; } return $e; } $body .= bookEditors($publishersArray); $body_tom_end .= bookEditors($publishersArray); //if (strlen($notice->ed1)>0) { //$editeur = new editeur($notice->ed1_id); //$body=$body.$editeur->isbd_entry. "; "; //$body_tom.=$editeur->isbd_entry. "; "; //if (strlen($notice->ed2)>0) { //$editeur = new editeur($notice->ed2_id); //$body=$body.$editeur->isbd_entry. "; "; //$body_tom.=$editeur->isbd_entry. "; "; //if (strlen($notice->ed3)>0) { //$editeur = new editeur($notice->ed3_id); //$body=$body.$editeur->isbd_entry. "; "; //$body_tom.=$editeur->isbd_entry. "; "; //if (strlen($notice->ed4)>0) { //$editeur = new editeur($notice->ed4_id); //$body=$body.$editeur->isbd_entry. "; "; //$body_tom.=$editeur->isbd_entry. "; "; //} //} //} //} //$body_tom=substr($body_tom,0,strlen($body_tom)-2).'.'; //$body=substr($body,0,strlen($body)-2); if (strlen($notice->year)>0){ $body=$body.", ".$notice->year; $body_tom_end.=". — ".$notice->year; } $body=$body.". — "; $body_tom_end.=". — "; /* book format */ if (strlen($notice->npages)>0) { $body=$body.$notice->npages; $body_tom_end.=$notice->npages; if (strlen($notice->ill)>0) { $body=$body.": ".$notice->ill; $body_tom_end.=": ".$notice->ill; } // if (strlen($notice->size)>0) {// // comment sasha — теперь сдесь тип обложки // $body=$body."; ".$notice->size; // } if (strlen($notice->accomp)>0){ $body=$body."+ ".$notice->accomp; } $body=$body.". -"; } //FIX by Alex if(strlen($notice->accomp)>0){// if(strlen($notice->size)>0 OR strlen($notice->accomp)>0){ // if (strlen($notice->size)>0) { // $body_tom_end.="; ".$notice->size; // } if (strlen($notice->accomp)>0){ $body_tom_end.="+ ".$notice->accomp; } $body_tom_end.=". -"; } /* book collection */ if (strlen($notice->coll)>0) { $body=$body." (".$notice->coll; $body_tom_end.="(".$notice->coll; if (strlen($notice->nocoll)>0){ $body=$body."; ".$notice->nocoll; $body_tom_end.="; ".$notice->nocoll; } if(strlen($notice->subcoll)>0){ $body=$body.": ".$notice->subcoll; $body_tom_end.=": ".$notice->subcoll; } $body=$body."). -"; $body_tom_end.="). -"; } //END of FIX /* book prix */ //fix Slava — vyvod tseny iz polya exemplyara (exemplaires) /* if (strlen(trim($exemplaire->prix))>0) { $body=$body.trim($exemplaire->prix).". -"; $body_tom_end.=trim($exemplaire->prix).". -"; } */ // vyvod tseny iz polya opisaniya (notices) end of fix // if (strlen(trim($notice->prix))>0) { // $body=$body.trim($notice->prix).".-"; // $body_tom_end.=trim($notice->prix).".-"; // } /* book note */ if (strlen(trim($notice->n_contenu))>0) { //$ncotnenu=trim($notice->n_contenu).". -"; / esli nado primechanie s novoi stroki //$body=$body.'\par'.$ncotnenu; $body=$body.trim($notice->n_contenu).". -"; $body_tom_end.=trim($notice->n_contenu).". -"; } $this->setFont(«Arial»,"",10); $this->Ln(); //$body = $this->AutoPageBreak .$body; $body=substr($body,0,strlen($body)-2); if(substr($body_tom_end,-2) == ". -"){ $body_tom_end=substr($body_tom_end,0,strlen($body_tom_end)-2); } // $this->MultiCell($length*9/10,$height,$body); $this->MultiCell($length*9/10,$height,iconv('utf-8','windows-1251',$body)); $this->Cell($length,$height,«ISBN: ».$notice->code); //FIX by Alex $body = str_replace("… -",". -",$body); $body = str_replace("; ,",",",$body); $body_tom_end = str_replace("… -",". -",$body_tom_end); $body_tom_end = str_replace("; ,",",",$body_tom_end); $body_tom = str_replace("… -",". -",$body_tom); //END of FIX $body = preg_replace('/(\ )/s',' ', $body); } function Footer() { /*---------------------------------------------------------* ! Create the footer of the catalographic card ! *---------------------------------------------------------*/ global $width; global $length; global $height; global $exemplaire; $this->setFont(«Arial»,"",10); $this->setXY(5,$width-$height*2); $this->Cell($length,$height,$exemplaire->cb); } } /* Create the PDF catalographic card */ $card=new PDF(); $card->create(); /* Create a catalographic card for each author for($i=0;$i<count($notice->responsabilites[«auteurs»]);$i++) { unset($auteur); $auteur=new auteur($notice->responsabilites[«auteurs»][$i][«id»]); // $header=iconv('utf-8','windows-1251',$auteur->name); $header=$auteur->display; $card->addPage(); $card->Body(); } */ /* Create a catalographic card for the index */ $header=$index->name; //$card->addPage(); $card->Body(); header(«Content-Type: application/msword;»); //header(«Content-Disposition: inline; filename=sait_out.xls»); // word ����������� ��� ������ header(«Content-Disposition: attachment; filename=sait_out.doc»); // word ����������� ��� ��������� ���������� // Zdes' mozno nastraivat' format kartochki: razmer, polya, orientatsiyu, razmer shrifta //FIX by Alex echo '{\rtf1'; // ��砫� ���㬥�� (�ਧ��� rtf � �����) echo '\ansi\ansicpg1251'; // ���塞 charset //echo '\portrait\paperw7200\paperh4320';// ������ � ������ ���� // ���塞 ࠧ��� � �ਥ���� �㬠�� echo '\portrait\paperh4500';// ������ ���� echo '\margl180\margr360\margt172\margb180'; // ���塞 ࠧ��� � �ਥ���� �㬠�� //echo '{\titlepg{\headerf koukou } }'; //echo '{\header \qc \chpgn}'; echo '\deff0\deflang1049\fs26 '; // fsx, x/2 — ������ ������ //$Codbar=iconv('utf-8','windows-1251',$exemplaire->cb); //$Cote=iconv('utf-8','windows-1251',$exemplaire->cote); $Cote2 = ''; if($print_chtrix_code){ $Cote=iconv('utf-8','windows-1251',$exemplaire->cb);// ����.������ if ($Cote != '') { if(strpos($Cote," ") !==false) { $posgran = strpos($Cote," "); $Cote1 = substr($Cote,0,$posgran); $Cote2 = substr($Cote,$posgran + 1); echo $Cote1.'\par'; } else { echo $Cote.'\par'; } } } if($print_free_index_top){ $Cote=iconv('utf-8','windows-1251',$notice->index_l);// ����.������ if ($Cote != '') { if(strpos($Cote," ") !==false) { $posgran = strpos($Cote," "); $Cote1 = substr($Cote,0,$posgran); $Cote2 = substr($Cote,$posgran + 1); echo $Cote1.'\par'; } else { echo $Cote.'\par'; } } } if($print_klass_index){ $Cote=iconv('utf-8','windows-1251',$index->name); if ($Cote != '') { if(strpos($Cote," ") !==false) { $posgran = strpos($Cote," "); $Cote1 = substr($Cote,0,$posgran); $Cote2 = substr($Cote,$posgran + 1); echo $Cote1.'\par'; }else{ echo $Cote.'\par'; } } } if($print_shifr_xran){ $Cote=iconv('utf-8','windows-1251',$exemplaire->cote); if ($Cote != '') { if(strpos($Cote," ") !==false) { $posgran = strpos($Cote," "); $Cote1 = substr($Cote,0,$posgran); $Cote2 = substr($Cote,$posgran + 1); echo $Cote1.'\par'; }else{ echo $Cote.'\par'; } } } echo '{\trowd\trleft47\trgaph55\trpaddt57\trpaddb57\trpaddl57\trpaddr57\clvertalt\cellx895\clvertalt\cellx6764\ql\intbl ';//Razmer kartochki ширина ячеек — cell echo $Cote2; echo '\cell\ql\intbl\ '; unset($auteur); $auteur=new auteur($notice->responsabilites[«auteurs»][0][«id»]); // don't show in the header of card author with second responsability if others don't exist // �� ������� � ��������� ������ �� ��������� ��������., ���� ��. ������ ����������� if ($auteur->name != '' AND $notice->responsabilites[«auteurs»][0][«responsability»] != 2 AND $auteur_need ) { echo '{\b '.iconv('utf-8','windows-1251',$auteur->display).' }\par '; } echo '\qj ';// ������������ �������� �� ������ if($notice->biblio_level != 's' && $notice->biblio_level != 'a') { //$mono=new mono_display($notice,$environement[«short»],"",$environement[«ex»],"","","",0,1,$environement[«exnum»]); } else { //$notice->biblio_hierar = 2; $serial = new serial_display($expl_id, $environement[«short»], "", "", "", "", "", 0,1,$environement[«exnum»]); $serial->get_bul_info(); $serial->do_isbd($for_page); $body = $serial->isbd; $body = str_replace("<br>",'\par',$body); $body = str_replace("<b>",'{\b',$body); $body = str_replace("</b>",'}',$body); $body = str_replace(" ",' ',$body); //$body = str_replace('\ql',"",$body ); } $body_tom = str_replace(" ",' ',$body_tom); $body_tom_end = str_replace(" ",' ',$body_tom_end); $colon="";// add sasha if($notice->tparent != ''){ echo iconv('utf-8','windows-1251',$body_tom).'\par '.iconv('utf-8','windows-1251',$body_tom_end); if($exemplaire->prix!=""){ $price = $exemplaire->prix; }else{ $price = $notice->prix; } echo " — "; if ($notice->code != ""){ echo 'ISBN '.$notice->code; $colon=": "; } if (strlen(trim($notice->size))>0) {// add sasha тип обложки echo $colon.iconv('utf-8','windows-1251',trim($notice->size)); $colon=": "; }// end sasha if ($price!=""){ // End price only echo $colon.iconv('utf-8','windows-1251',$price); } }else{ $chaine = $body; echo iconv('utf-8','windows-1251',$chaine); if($exemplaire->prix!=""){ $price = $exemplaire->prix; }else{ $price = $notice->prix; } //echo " — "; if ($notice->code != ""){ echo ' — ISBN '.$notice->code; $colon=": "; } if (strlen(trim($notice->size))>0) {// add sasha тип обложки echo $colon.iconv('utf-8','windows-1251',trim($notice->size)); $colon=": "; }// end sasha if ($price!=""){ // End price only echo $colon.iconv('utf-8','windows-1251',$price); } } echo '\ql ';// ������������ �� ������ ���� // temp by Alex $print_invent_nomer_4all = false; if($print_period){ $print_invent_nomer_4all = true; $sql =«SELECT exemplaires.expl_id, exemplaires.expl_cb, docs_location.location_libelle FROM exemplaires, docs_location »; $sql .=" WHERE expl_notice =$id4AllExemps and docs_location.idlocation = exemplaires.expl_location"; $sql .=" Order by expl_cb"; //$sql = «SELECT expl_id, expl_cb FROM exemplaires WHERE expl_notice =$id4AllExemps»; //$sql .= " Order by expl_cb"; $res = mysql_query($sql,$GLOBALS['dbh']); for($i=0;$i<mysql_numrows($res);$i++){ $exemps_codebare[] = mysql_fetch_assoc($res); } } // end of temp if($print_categ){// ���������� ������� � ����� �������� for($i=0;$i<count($notice->categories);$i++){ $categ = new category($notice->categories[$i][«categ_id»]); echo '\par — '.iconv('utf-8','windows-1251',' '.$categ->libelle); } } if($print_invent_nomer){// ������ ���.������ if($exemplaire->cote != ''){ echo '\par '.iconv('utf-8','windows-1251',' '.$exemplaire->cote);// ���.����� (���� ������.) } } if(($print_store_place && !$print_invent_nomer_4all) && !($print_chtrix_code_down AND $print_store_place)){ if($exemplaire->location){ echo ' — '.iconv('utf-8','windows-1251',' '.$exemplaire->location);// ����� �������� } } if($print_free_index){ if($notice->index_l != ''){ $notice->index_l=str_replace(',','\par ',$notice->index_l); echo '\par\ '.iconv('utf-8','windows-1251',' '.$notice->index_l);// ��������� ������ } } if($print_key_index_down){ if($notice->indexint != 0 ){ echo '\par\qr '.iconv('utf-8','windows-1251',' '.$index->name);// �������� ������ } } if($print_shifr_xran_down){ if($exemplaire->cote != '' ){ echo '\par\qr '.iconv('utf-8','windows-1251',' '.$exemplaire->cote);// ���� �������� } } if($print_free_index_down){ if($notice->index_l != '' ){ echo '\par\qr '.iconv('utf-8','windows-1251',' '.$notice->index_l);// ���� �������� } } // by Alex if($print_invent_nomer_4all){ if(is_array($exemps_codebare)){ echo '\par\ql '; foreach ($exemps_codebare as $exemplare){ $text = $exemplare['expl_cb']; if($print_store_place){ $text .= " — ".$exemplare['location_libelle']; } echo '\par '.iconv('utf-8','windows-1251',' '.$text); } } } // echo '\cell\row}'; if($print_chtrix_code_down AND !$print_store_place){ if($exemplaire->cb != '' ){ echo '\par\ql '.iconv('utf-8','windows-1251',' '.$exemplaire->cb);// �����-��� } } if($print_chtrix_code_down AND $print_store_place){ if($exemplaire->cb != '' AND $exemplaire->location != ''){ echo '\ql '.iconv('utf-8','windows-1251',' '.$exemplaire->cb." — ".$exemplaire->location); } } //echo "%".$for_page."%".$test."%".$test2."%"; unset($for_page);//use for print info to a page / MS Word //print_r($notice); //END of FIX echo '\par'.chr(13).chr(10).'}'; //$card->output(); ?>
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