Сослагательное наклонение. Определите тип условного предложения. - вопрос №2872474

  1. If the fire alarm goes off, evacuate the buildings immediately.
  2. If I were you, I would see a lawyer.
  3. If we have a significant problem, we will discuss it with our partner.
  4. If any threat (угроза) remained a limited strategic system could be more destabilizing than a complete one.
  5. Flame and smokeproof (дымонепроницаемое) barriers would have isolated the fire from the rest of the train if fire suppression systems had been activated.


  1. If the fire alarm goes off, evacuate the buildings immediately. (нулевой тип)
  2. If I were you, I would see a lawyer. (второй тип)
  3. If we have a significant problem, we will discuss it with our partner. (первый тип)
  4. If any threat (угроза) remained a limited strategic system could be more destabilizing than a complete one. (второй тип)
  5. Flame and smokeproof (дымонепроницаемое) barriers would have isolated the fire from the rest of the train if fire suppression systems had been activated. (третий тип)


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Анастасия Ильинична

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