Хоть пару номеров. - вопрос №2988857

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49.1 1 Where do Ed and Liz live?

2 How long have they been married?

3 Do they go out often?

4 What does Ed do for a living?

5 Does he enjoy his job?

6 Did he arrest anyone yesterday?

7 Have they got a car?

8 When did they buy it?

9 How much did it cost?

10 Are they going on holiday next summer?

11 Where are they going to go?


49.2 1 What happened?

2 Who lives in that house?

3 Who gave you this key?

4 What did Henry give you?

5 Who does Tom meet every day?

6 What did you fall over?

7 What fell on the floor?

8 What does this word mean?


49.3 1 Why? Don’t you like him?

2 Why? Don’t you have any?

3 Why not? Isn’t it good?


49.4 1 Isn’t it a lovely day!

2 Wasn’t it a good film!

3 Isn’t everything expensive these days!

4 Didn’t Tom look well!

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