Пожаллуйста помогите, Прочитайте предложение и ответьте на эти вопросы. (вставлять слова не надо) - вопрос №4952880

1. What do you notice about the layout of the proposal?
2. Does the proposal concentrate on the existing situation or what should be done next?
3. What are the purposes of the first and the last sections?
4. A proposal should usually be written in a formal style. Can you see any phrases or expressions which make this proposal sound formal?

The purpose of this proposal is 1.____ compare two possible distributors for our products in New Zealand and to recommend 2._____ distributor we should choose.

Burford Electrical Distributions
This distributor has 3._____ in business since 1959 and they stock most major brands. However, this means they stock our competitors’ products and will probably not be so interested in selling ours. Also, although they have a large, highly experienced sales force and offices throughout the country, they are also quite highly paid, which will make our products more expensive.Finally, we make daily deliveries. 4._____, you have to pay extra for deliveries, which will also add to the cost of our products.

Choice Electrics
This company is relatively new. It was started in 2003, which means its sales force is not so experienced. On the other 5._____, they are young and keen and they have a reputation for dealing in high-quality state-of-the-art components like ours. Finally, they sell over the Internet and deliver by express courier the same day.

I strongly recommend that we choose Choice Electrics 6.______ they will sell our products more cheaply and because they seem more dynamic. I suggest we contract them to negotiate an agreement.

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