Exercise 3. Make the sentences passive. Use by... only if it is necessary to say who does / did the action. The first sentence is done for you as an - вопрос №4967157

ex-ample: Shakespeare wrote «Hamlet». — «Hamlet» was written by Shakespeare. 1) People in Belgium speak Dutch and French. 2) My supervisor gave me a new task. 3) They are translating an article now. 4) They were listening to the speaker attentively. 5) They listened carefully to his advice. 6) Elec-tricity drives this pump. 7) Somebody will tell you the title of the mono-graph. 8) This dissertation touches upon the problem of vital importance. 9) They agreed upon the plan. 10) The Chinese invented paper. 11) They don’t sell stamps in bookshops. 12) The students are writing a test at the moment. помогите прошу)срочно!


  1. Dutch and French are spoken by people in Belgium.
  2. A new task was given to me by my supervisor.
  3. An article is being translated by them now.
  4. The speaker was being listened to attentively by them.
  5. His advice was listened to carefully by them.
  6. This pump is driven by electricity.
  7. The title of the monograph will be told to you by somebody.
  8. The problem of vital importance is touched upon by this dissertation.
  9. The plan was agreed upon by them.
  10. Paper was invented by the Chinese.
  11. Stamps are not sold in bookshops.
  12. A test is being written by the students at the moment.


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Фаиза Саидова

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