Wishes.Complete the sentences 1)There was a nice concert in my town yesterday but I was busy and missed it. I wish ... (I/be/free) 2)My friends are - вопрос №4980220

having a party at the moment but I'm working till late. I wish… (I/have/less work) 3)I want to move to another country but I don't speak the language. I wish… (I/speak/English) 4)I didn't graduate the university and now I can't apply for a job of my dream. I wish… (I/graduate) 5)I broke my leg while climbing the mountain. I wish… (I/wear/more comfortable shoes) 6)My sister wants a new doll! I wish… (I/be able to/buy/it) 7)This cake looks incredible! I wish… (I/be/hungry) 8)This cake looks incredible! I wish… (I/be/hungry)
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