срочно - вопрос №600690

Last year… был очень сложный год… но несмотря на это… я хорошо училась… общалась… знакомилась… ездила на море...

Is spring your favourite season? да я люблю весну потому что… расцветают деревья… очень пахнет вишня… день рождения моих родителей… и еще что то дополните пожайлуста.. 



Last year was quite a difficult year for me. Despite of all odds, I did my studies well, mingled with different people, met some new friends, went to the seaside and enjoyed it.

Yes, I love Spring because it's time when all trees are in blossom, the nature revives, the air is fresh and smells cherry flowers. People also revive with the nature after the long and cold winter. The sun is shining, the time of day light is getting longer, my mood is changing and becomes romantic. Everyone is smiling in the street, it's time for romance and new life. It's time when we spend more time outside, go to the country for picnics.

Also I love Spring because it is the time of my parents' birthdays. We will have home parties with my parents' friends and some relatives.


Пожалуйста не забудьте написать отзыв :-) Спасибо!



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Й Гавриил Йорданов

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