Пожалуйста помогите поставить вопросы 1... - вопрос №828472

Пожалуйста помогите поставить вопросы 1.I have read his book in transiation (поставить вопрос подлежащий) 2.His works have stood the test of time (поставить общий вопрос) 3.the first place they went to was sheak speares biren place (поставить специальный вопрос) 4.there is always plenty of good music in the programmes (поставить разделительный вопрос) 5.suddenly joanne noticed a boy on the otherside of the rood (поставить альтернативный вопрос)


Have you read this book in translation?

Have his works stood the test of time?

Where did they go at first?/What was the place they went first to?

There is always plenty of good music in the programmes, isn't there?

Did Joanne notice a boy or a girl on the other side of the road?/ Did Joanne notice a boy on this side of the road or on the other?



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