Переведите следующие предложения на английский язык - вопрос №1265368

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а) Are you a lecturer? – No, I’m not, I’m a student. 2. Fred, give this boy your book, please. 3. Is this tie yellow or red? – It’s yellow. 4. Please, take the cups from the table. Put the cups on this table, please. Thanks. 5. Please, put this book in your school bag. 6. Please, take the spoon of this boy. 7. Peter is a doctor. He’s my friend. He is a good doctor and a good friend. 8. Fred is a student. He’s in his room now. 9. Are your students in that room? 10. Is your friend a doctor or a lecturer? – He’s a doctor.

б) My name’s Nikolay. I’m a pupil (=student). Fred is my friend. He’s a pupil too. We are in his flat now. It is big and clean.

в) 1.Fred, give me your book and your pencil, please. Thanks. 2. Kolya, take my book from that table, please, open it, find the seventh page and read the third lesson. 3. Is this text short or long? – It’s short. 4. Is Anna a student or a doctor? -  Anna is a doctor. She is a good doctor.

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Анастасия Ильинична

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