Английский - вопрос №155732

Make questions using the prompts.

1)How long...................?

How many records................?

2)Your friend Alan is learning to drive.

What do you ask him?

How long........................bought a car yet?

3)Jenny is a teacher.

How long.............?

How many schools..................?

4)You meet your friend Sally outside the cinema.

How long..................?

5)Joey is getting married to Andrew next September.

How many................invited?

How long.....................known Andrew?

6)You meet anold friend you havent seen for ten years.

What....................doing all this time?


7)You know thatPeter has been to the States several times.

How many times........................?

8)Ann and her family always go to France for their holidays.

How long..............?

9)Ann is mother is on holiday.What do you ask Ann?


10)You want to know if it is still raining.What do you ask?

Has it......................yet? 


Лучший ответ по мнению автора

1)How long has he been a singer?

How many records has he made?

2) How long have you been learning to drive?

Have you bought a car yet?

3) How long has she been a teacher?

How many schools has she taught in?

4)How long have you been waiting?

5)How many people have they invited?

How long has Joey known Andrew?

6)What have you been doing all this time?

Where have you been?

7)How many times has he been to the States?

8) How long has they been going there?

9) Where has she gone?

10) Has it been raining yet?

Лучший ответ по мнению автора


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