Помогите пожалуйста с английским. Заранее спасибо)) ДОБРА И ПОЗИТИВА - вопрос №2777611

Выбрать правильное время и написать глагол в его форме
Past Simple/ Past Progressive / Past Perfect
1. Karl (go) for a walk after he (watch) TV.
2. I (arrive) at the airport and (buy) the ticket to London.
3. My father (fix) the car when he (hear) someody calling his name.
4. Sally (eat) breakfast before she (go) to school?
5. Who (see) Mr. Brown when he(leave) the office?
6. When I (come) home from work I (notice) that someone (try) to unlock the front door.


Доброго времени суток!

1. Karl went for a walk after he had watched TV.
2. I arrived at the airport and bought the ticket to London.
3. My father was fixing the car when he heard somebody calling his name.
4. Had Sally eaten breakfast before she went to school?
5. Who saw Mr. Brown when he was leaving the office?
6. When I came home from work I noticed that someone was trying to unlock the front door.

Удачи в учебе!) Оцените, пожалуйста, мой ответ, если он был Вам полезен.
Karl went for a walk after he had watched TV.
I arrived at the airport and bought the ticket to London.
My father was fixing the car when he heard somebody calling his name.
Had Sally eaten breakfast before she went to school?
Who saw Mr. Brown when he was leaving the office?
When I came home from work I noticed that someone was trying to unlock the front door


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