помогите пожалуйста переделать на вопросительные... - вопрос №810078

помогите пожалуйста переделать на вопросительные предложения и на разделительные вопросительные предложения 1.my friends are going to travel by bike 2.next month the doctor will go abroad. 3.look!the little boy is erying 4.this unusual coneert takes place in the open-our theatre 5.he has never been to moscow 6.they visited the art gallery 2 days ago 7.the statue of peter pan isin kensington cardens 8.the city is famous for its bridges 9.my sister goes out every weekend 10.i think the film is worth seeing

Лучший ответ по мнению автора

1. Are my friends going to travel by bike? - простое вопросительное.

My friends are going to travel by bike, aren't they?  — разделительное. 

2. Will the doctor go abroad next month? — простое вопросительное.

Next month the doctor will go abroad, won't he? - разделительное. 

3. Can you see the crying little boy? или Look!  Is the little boy crying? — простые вопросительные.

You can see the little boy is crying, can't you? или Look! The little boy is crying, isn't he? — разделительные.


4. Does this unusual coneert take place in the open-our theatre? — простое вопросительное.

This unusual coneert takes place in the open-our theatre, doesn't it? — разделительное. 

5. Has he ever been to Moscow?

He has never been to moscow, has he?

6.  Did they visit the art gallery 2 days ago?

They visited the art gallery 2 days ago, didn't they?

7. Is the statue of Peter Pan in Kensington Gardens?

The statue of Peter Pan is in Kensington Gardens, isn't it?

8.  Is the city famous for its bridges?

The city is famous for its bridges, isn't it?

9. Does my sister go out every weekend?

My sister goes out every weekend, doesn't she?

10. Do you think the film is worth seeing? или 

I think the film is worth seeing, isn't it?


Лучший ответ по мнению автора


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